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  • Secure Destruction

    This is an area that is important when it comes to archive managment. Over the years information related crime has made something that simply cannot be left to chance! Our internal tracking system will ensure that your documents are destroyed quckly and cleanly. Our system will leave a 'paper trail' of the process to give you ultimate peace of mind. We will use our secure shredder to destory your docuements as soon as you say so. We use industrial shredding equipment which leaves no roomfor the document to be reconstructed. You will then recieve a certificate of destruction confirming your destruction task. Once your material is destroyed we will recycle all the material.

    Destruction Request

    Please fill out the form below to request items to be destroyed.

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    Special Offer

    Summer Special Offer

    Shredding £10+VAT per bag

    New  Double Walled Archive Boxes £2.50 per box

    New Archiving Customers with over 3000 boxes